Tuesday, December 7, 2010

N Scale Wiki

The N Scale wiki  http://modeltrains.wikia.com/wiki/N_Scale is a comprehensive resource for the history and specifications of N Scale model railroading.  The history of the scale is very interesting, in that N Scale is an abbreviation of Nine millimeter rail spacing used for n scale modeling.  This is half the rail spacing of HO scale which is 18 mm, which is half of O scale , 36 mm, from which it derives its name.  HO half O scale.
What is really interesting is that the dimensional scaling for N Scale differs throughout the world but the track spacing remains at 9 mm.  In England the dimensional scale is 1/148, in Japan 1/150, in the United States 1/160.  These differences are derived from the prototype rail spacing in the different countries as they relate to 9 mm.
One of the advantages of N Scale model railroads over other scales is the amount of space required to build an operating railroad.  It allows for long runs of track in small spaces, like a normal bedroom in a house.
The history of N Scale is also interesting.  Early beginning around 1927, but it was not until 1962 that model train manufacturers started producing commercially available products.  Within two years the industry established standards for the scale so that all the equipment would be compatible in areas of dimensions, coupler height, coupler design etc.  This was the first scale to have a standard that was documented, whereas, other standards were defacto.
I found this information interesting, as I purchased my first N Scale locomotives and rolling stock in 1963 in Yokosuka, Japan and I am still adding to my collection which is probably over 1000 units now.

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