Monday, October 18, 2010

T-TRAK Testing

Test Loop
This weekend I have been testing my T-TRAK n scale model railroad modules getting ready for public show on October the 23rd.  I connected the modules in a loop on the dinning room table, after obtaining permission from my wife ( I have learned to do this after 43 years of marriage).  Then I connected my DCC  system, computer control to the setup with power and control.  I tested each of the train sets that I was going to run at the public show.  The testing  has been completed and I am ready for the show.  Note that the modules are all Japanese prototype.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

T-TRAK Setup in Green Valley

On  Saturday, October the 23rd, the SNNT is going to setup its first T-TRAK public display from 1 pm to 3 pm in the Green Valley Library or a Community Appreciation day.  I will take 2 corners and at least 4 straight modules and 2 transition modules.  The transition modules are needed because I run the wide specification track, 33 mm between tracks and other members run the narrow specification which is 22 mm between tracks.  Other club members use Southwestern US scenery.  My T-TRAK modules are all currently Japanese prototype.  I have a lot of exposure to Japanese culture, living in the Yokohama area around 8 years, and a Japanese wife of 43 years.  I also watch a lot of Japanese TV on the 24 hour NHK channel on Satellite from Japan, most live programing or tape delayed.  I have been collecting Japanese structures and trains for many years, with more than 80 powered units of passenger and freight trains.  I will post some pix of the event on this blog.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My new T-TRAK Module

I have start construction on my new T-TRAK Module.  T-TRAK modules are small N Scale (1/160) modules that are set up on a table top.  This discipline started in Japan, as it is perfect the small house.  Typical module is a bit over 12 3/4 inches in length.  My new module is a bridge accross a river the banks of which will be covered with greenery and the typical Japanese weeping willows.  I model all Japanese prototype, others in the club model other themes.  We are planning a setup in November at the annual NMRA regional meeting and Steak BBQ.  I plan on having at least eight straight modules done and two corners.  We will run the trains on the two tracks under DCC control.  controlled by a computer and a LAN that is called LocoNet.  Pictures at this Link

This is a lot of fun.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend of fun at the Great Train Robbery

This last weekend the NTRAK club SNNT ( set up our model trains at the Great Train Robbery event in Boulder City at the Southern Nevada Railroad museum.  It was a small layout of 6 ft. by 24 ft.   Pictures at  Member ran model trains all day. I took my Santa Fe Super Chief and El Capitan passenger trains and ran them for long periods of time.  I also ran my Steam engine, a Challenger, pulling a Union Pacific passenger consist.

  The actors dressed in old west garb stage robberies on the prototype train that takes passengers from Boulder City Station to behind the Railroad Pass Casino.  During breaks the actors lounged around the Engine house where we were set

Our next set up will be in Barstow California at the old Harvey House.  Unfortunately, I will miss this one.